Escorts and Babes Review: Call Girls vs. Adult Dating

Escorts and Babes Review: Call Girls vs. Adult Dating

By going through this Escorts and Babes review, you will see that prostitution is actually legal in Australia. But there are different laws in the provinces. So you won’t be able to tell how to behave on all websites. if you want to hire an escort in Australia, you need to educate yourself well about the specific regulation. That’s the general precautions you need to consider. However, this site is quite specific. This Escorts and Babes review will reveal more about that.

Escorts and Babes Review: Australian Brothels

Keep in mind this is an advertising platform for the escorts. So most of the information is dedicated to the girls. If you want to know more about your experience or other user experiences, you will have to investigate yourself. Since there are no published user reviews you won’t be able to find previous stories. But let’s see how things look from the escort perspective. They have various advertising options. This is some sort of assurance that they won’t just mess with the website. Escorts will most probably provide quality service. Nevertheless, there are no guarantees. You can notice that from the descriptions on their profiles. 

How Much Do Girls Pay to Advertise?

Take a look at the rates girls need to pay:

  • Standard: from $50 for an advertising period of 28 days.
  • Featured: from $47 for an advertising period 7 days.
  • Longer advertising period of 84 days.
  • Additional Boosts for $25

If one of them is willing to pay more she will show up in the results more often. Most expensive girls usually have additional fees in their service. You will see more about that in the following sections

VIP Members: What’s That?

There is very scarce information about the VIP members which I guess are some special user groups. Typically, these groups pay for their services – something like a premium membership and namely get prioritized as a result. But this is often just a pull off to take more money out of you. Until I see a bit more information about the actual inclusion in the service, I don’t recommend becoming a VIP member.

Escorts and Babes review site user FAQs

Site User FAQ Section

Most questions about hiring escorts in Australia are in this section. It’s a pretty weird situation. You won’t be able to see naked photos in some areas. Be careful with going bareback and about asking specific services. Also, you should consider the location because you will be able to get more in some areas than in others. The majority of Australian cities and locations are available on

Payments and Rates for Escorts and Babes in Australia

Considering the example of this particular girl you will see that the basic rates are only a portion of the full payment.

Escorts and Babes review payments and rates

Generally speaking, cash payments are accepted only. But you will need to pay for accommodation, too. If you decide to cancel you will need to include the cancellation fee. Average rates start from 250 Australian dollars to 350 Australian dollars. A full night can cost you well over $2,000.

Conclusion about using Escort Advertising Platforms

Finally, all the girls are nice and you may be able to get away with many other things that are not available on other escort websites. But, this is still just an advertising platform that provides no guarantees about the service. You actually need to arrange everything with the girl herself. It’s better if you know something about escorts, for sure. But if you don’t this can be quite challenging. If you want to take a leap in the world of adult dating, then it’s better to start looking for sex on hookup websites. They cost nothing and have millions of members available worldwide. They can turn out to be the better option for many of you.

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